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Board portal comparison Aprio vs Diligent
Board Portal Evaluation

Board portal comparison – Aprio vs. Diligent

Which board portal is the better choice for managing your board, Aprio or Diligent? While both offer excellent security, see how the two board portals compare in features, service and pricing.
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comparing Aprio board portal to BoardEffect
Board Portal Evaluation

Board portal comparison – Aprio vs. BoardEffect

If you’re evaluating Aprio and BoardEffect – how do these two leading solutions stand up against each other in meeting these needs? Here are some key differences to consider when evaluating these two board portals.
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The difference between non-profit board & staff roles| Aprio
Board Best Practices

The roles of staff vs the board in a non-profit organization

When volunteer directors of smaller non-profits want to get involved in the association, they may also volunteer to serve on the board. And so, what happens is the board of the non-profit quickly becomes a “working board.” Very quickly, the President, VP, Chair, or Vice-Chair could wind up doing all the work as both staff and board members.  This may be fine for small organizations without a lot to do, but as
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