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Board Best Practices

Retirements looming? Best practices to attract younger directors

Recruitment and revitalization are some of the toughest challenges facing boards today. As a recent KPMG report reveals, 80% of S&P 500 boards have an average age in the 60s, and there is little difference by industry or company size. Older board members are retiring and needing new ones to take their place. And new members will be drawn from a workforce that, according to Leading with Vision, will be 75% Millennials
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Open book at the beach
Board Best Practices

Top 10 summer reads for boards of directors

Summer has arrived – hopefully with the luxury of some more reading time. To keep you inspired, we’ve compiled a list of some of the top recommended articles and books from the past year, plus some “oldies but goodies” to consider for your reading list. From topics covering leadership and collaboration to good governance, there’s something here for everyone. Here’s our 2019 list of 10 recommended summer reads for board chairs, board
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Chart board with business data
Board Best Practices

2019 Board Governance Survey of Canadian credit unions

How progressive are Canadian credit unions when it comes to board data security, diversity, and use of technology? Aprio conducted a benchmark survey at the National Conference for Canadian Credit Unions that revealed that the majority of Canadian credit unions identified their boards as being in the “progress stage” of implementing progressive board policies, with more defining themselves as frontrunners than early stage. Below are some highlights from the survey. Most Canadian
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Fire burning on mountainside
Board Best Practices

Secure board portals prove helpful in mergers, disasters and beyond

This is in an excerpt of a blog originally published by CU Management and was authored by contributing writer, Richard H Gamble, freelance writer and member of Bellco Credit Union. Portions have been shortened for length. When Raychem and Tyco merged in 2016, CUES member Christine L. Petro was involved in merging the two credit unions the companies had sponsored.  “There were a lot of decisions to make that required board approval,”
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Board Best Practices

PACE credit union ousted CEO is a cautionary tale on board oversight

The news story about PACE Savings & Credit Union former chief executive officer making a secret loan without disclosing it to the board is a cautionary tale reminding Canadian credit unions to uphold a culture of transparency at the board, even if the CEO has served for 28 years. DICO, which insures deposits at credit unions in Ontario, took corrective action with PACE. In September 2018, DICO placed PACE Savings & Credit
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Good Governance for All Awards
Company News

Nominate a not-for-profit to win Aprio for free in 2019

Today, we are thrilled to launch our 2019 Good Governance for All Awards. The award recognizes an admired not-for-profit by providing them with Aprio board portal software at no charge for three years. Now in its fourth year, past awards went to InspireHealth, a supportive cancer care organization, the Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division and Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Customers of Aprio and members of CUES are invited to nominate an
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Bored multiethnic business people sitting in conference room
Board Best Practices

How finding and closing the gaps in your board will drive engagement

We’re grateful to have collaborated with Peter Myers of DDJ Myers to write this post. There’s a particular concern we hear expressed over and over from CEOs, board chairs and executives. It doesn’t matter how big or small the board is, they all say the same thing: to satisfy the organization’s strategic ambitions, boards need to elevate their game. At best, only two or three of the board members are consistently engaged.
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Man drawing stars
Board Portal Evaluation

Comparing your board portal software options: what to ask before you buy

Most boards have the same goals when it comes to increasing efficiency. They want to streamline their meetings, reach consensus easily, and keep data secure. They want to cut down the work it takes for administrators to prepare for meetings, which often means ditching email and Dropbox in favour of an end-to-end digital solution. Board portal software can help you accomplish these goals, but not all the options on the market are
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