Evaluating meeting management software? Start here | Aprio
ready to look at board management software in more depth here are 4 steps to get started

Evaluating meeting management software? 4 steps to get started

Your board is ready to begin researching board portal options — but with multiple solutions on the market and long lists of features to compare, you may be looking for some guidance on how to get started. 

Follow these four steps to get started on evaluating board management software and creating a shortlist: 

1. Decide what you need and want from meeting management software. 

While you may not know every specific feature you’ll need from meeting management software quite yet, start thinking of the top priorities you are seeking. Every organization and board is unique, but here’s a list to get started:

  • Budget
  • Data security
  • Ease of use
  • Reporting tools
  • Training
  • Technical support
  • Remote governance tools

Need extra help in determining what’s most important? Here’s the top board portal must-haves we hear from Aprio clients.


2. Ask your peers what meeting management software they’re using.  

Brochures and websites don’t compare to personal endorsements. Reach out to other board directors or administrators in your network or industry to find how they chose their board portal, if they like their current solution and — if you’re comfortable asking — how much they’re paying. It’s helpful to find out why their board portal stands out

If you find out one of your peers recently switched board management software providers, ask them what prompted them to make the change and whether they’re happy with the switch.


3. Seek out external reviews on meeting management software. 

Third-party reviews from software evaluation websites such as Capterra will provide access to a wider selection of the honest ratings, feedback and testimonials. This can help balance out the information you’ll get directly from the meeting management software’s sales reps and website.  


4. Book a free product demo of meeting management software and come prepared with your top questions. 

Most meeting management software vendors offer free demonstrations of their solution. Some will be private and customized to your organization, while others will be group demos presented to larger groups of potential customers. The goal of these demos is to give you a sense of how the board portal works, showcase the user experience and answer any questions you have. 

Come prepared with a list of what you believe will be most important to your organization such as:

  • Who answers the phone when I call for support?
  • What kind of training will I get?
  • How secure is the software?
  • Will the fee structure change as we grow?

It’s not uncommon for board portal providers to showcase the deluxe version of their software while quoting the lower tier price, so don’t hesitate to write down questions during the demo to ask when it’s over, so that you can compare your options before you buy. 

If you haven’t attended many product demos before, be sure to check out Capterra’s ultimate guide to getting the most of product demos.


Ready to book a demo of Aprio meeting management software?

Small and large organizations around the globe continue to choose Aprio to help run efficient meetings, foster collaboration and keep data safe. Get a customized tour of Aprio and preview all the features that will make your board more effective and engaged. Contact us today to request a custom demo or check out our Board Portal Buying Guide

See how Aprio stacks up against competitors for board meeting management software.

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About the Author

Karen Peacy Director of Customer Relations AprioKaren Peacy, Director of Customer Relations 

Karen has over 20 years of board administration experience in various industries including credit unions, forestry, software, and the sports sector. She takes real pleasure in supporting and training our clients to make their jobs easier and more efficient.


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