The most productive board meetings are used for discussing issues, seeking meaningful board input, and making strategic decisions. But to be able to have an effective board meeting, you need to ensure that directors can efficiently prepare and collaborate before the meeting even begins.
This can be hard to do if board members don’t have a good way to take notes on board materials and share their thoughts with their colleagues. That’s where annotations come to the rescue!
Annotations are the notes and comments that directors make to their board materials between and during meetings in their board portal software. They can either be private, for personal use, or public, so that the whole board can view them. They also eliminate the need for paper notes and for discussing confidential issues over unsecured email.
Aprio includes an annotation feature that allows directors to collaborate and prepare for board meetings more effectively and securely.
We’ve described the steps below.
- After opening board material in Aprio, tap or click the “paper and pen” icon.
- From there, you’ll have the ability to highlight, underline, strikethrough, write or erase text comments, add sticky notes, use arrows, and draw shapes around text.
- To share your annotations with other users, tap or click on the “Shared Annotations” option. By default, Aprio will make your annotations private.
- If you make personal annotations, you also have the ability to copy those to your shared annotations, and vice versa. All you need to do for either case is select “Copy to personal” or “Copy to shared”.
- Annotations will automatically save when you leave the document.
And that’s it! Aprio portal software makes taking and sharing annotations simple, allowing your board members to better prepare and collaborate ahead of meetings.
Thanks for being an Aprio customer! If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Aprio Support team. Remember that we’re available 24/7 and provide free ongoing training at no cost. All you have to do is to give us a call at 1-855-552-APRIO or email