5 questions to ask at board portal renewal time | Aprio

5 questions to ask at board portal renewal time

Is your board portal really working for you? It’s a question that probably doesn’t come up until days before your software renewal date.

Before you say, “more of the same please,” it’s worth considering the cost savings, security, and service gains you may be missing.

In Gartner’s Market Guide for Board Portals, they report: “The majority of board portals have very similar feature sets.” With so much functionality that’s commonplace, what must you consider to make the right renewal choice?

Just in case you’re about to stop reading because switching feels too hard…. Realize that it typically takes two weeks to securely migrate a customer’s board information, calendars and contacts all over to Aprio Boardroom. And with functionality familiar between portals – directors adapt quickly.

5 things to reassess when you’re renewing a board portal:

Here’s the advice we’ve learned from our customers on choosing a board portal that’s a best fit. Ask – Are you very satisfied with the following:

  1. Service – How is response time when you phone or email for support? When you need help ramping up on new features or perhaps with year-end archiving – does the service team listen, understand your needs and deliver the right assistance quickly?
  2. Training – Some providers focus training on administrators – but lack learning tools and coaching for Directors. Do all of your board members have continuous access one-on-one coaching, or learning resources they prefer from webinars, to emailed tip sheets, to videos?
  3. Data security – All board portal providers are strong on basic security infrastructure. Does yours offer extra protections such as a choice of location where you can host your data, or instant remote data scraping if a mobile phone or iPad is lost with the board portal app installed?
  4. Pricing – You pay more and you get more. That is a common misconception. As Gartner warns, however, for board portals it’s not true. There is a risk of paying premium pricing for an equivalent product. Ask for comparable pricing from other vendors including costs for training of administrators and directors, set up fees for committees, use of mobile apps and the number of board members included in base pricing.
  5. Product voice – Think back a year or two – how have the needs you’ve expressed been factored into future product development? Does your portal provider do an annual survey or phone interview to ask about your evolving needs and satisfaction? They should.

We’re glad to show you around the Aprio Boardroom™ and share how we compare anytime. All the best with your renewal assessment!

Other useful links:

Look how Aprio ranks in the Gartner Market Guide for Board Portals.

First time shopping for a board portal? Top 10 Things to Compare.



See the Aprio difference.

We’re happy to help assess your needs and the fit with Aprio. Take the first step.

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