Awards Program | Good Governance for All | Aprio

Annual Award Supports Not-for-Profits

Some organizations with the highest aspirations for impact also face the biggest hurdles to affording technology to support good governance. Since 2016, Aprio’s Good Governance for All Award annually rewards an admired charity by providing them with Aprio for free.


The Award

The winning not-for-profit receives:

  • Free license of Aprio board management software for up to 3 years
  • Board management software accessible to 25 users
  • Free implementation

* Selected not-for-profit has the opportunity to renew at standard, not-for-profit pricing, after the initial term.


To be eligible for a Good Governance for all Award, nominees must meet the criteria below. Nominations are welcome from everyone.

  • Be a registered not-for-profit.
  • Have an existing board of at least 5 members.
  • Head office in Canada or US.
  • Not yet be using board portal software.


Aprio will evaluate nominations based on the charity’s impact, board governance aspirations, and the potential governance benefits of free use of the Aprio board portal.

Organization Impact
What is the not-for-profit’s purpose and impact in its community and Canada?
Governance Needs
What are the aspirations and challenges faced by the charity in keeping their board engaged and informed?
Potential Benefit
How could the organization’s board be more effective 3 years out with the use of Aprio.

Nominate the charity that you most admire


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